比良比叡トレイル協議会 比良比叡トレイル協議会

Walking through The 1200 Years Historic Path

For 1300 years, Mt. Hiei, located to the northeast of Kyoto, has been known as a sublime place of worship. The founder of the Tendai School of Buddhism, Saichō, had decided to practice asceticism at this sacred mountain and built his temple Enryakuji Temple atop in 788. Since then, many eminent monks have trained here, making Mt. Hiei the Mother Mountain of Japanese Buddhism as well as an important influence on Japanese history and culture.

In 1994, Enryakuji Temple was listed as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site. This site covers a radius of 20km from Mt. Hiei and is clustered in three areas: Tō-dō (East Pagoda), Sai-tō (West Pagoda), and Yokokawa. These areas together are called “Three Stupas and 16 Valleys” and they are linked by a path that lies among the Japanese cedar trees. This path is also a part of a circular pilgrimage route called Sennichi Kaihōgyō (walking the trail 1000 times in 1000 days) and is only undertaken by the most rigorous ascetics. To achieve a state of enlightenment, a selected monk is required to travel about a distance equal to a trip around the equator.

Japanese Mountaineering Asceticism and Trail Walking

As seen in Mt. Hiei, the history of mountaineering in Japan is based on the concepts of Shinto and Japanese Buddhism asceticism for archiving spiritual enlightenment from ancient times. In the 19th century, the culture of western alpinism was introduced, which was more about new sporty challenge climbing toward peaks. However, the recent trail walking movement in Japan has brought the old asceticism concept back into modern life.

You can experience the abundant mountain's blessings and immerse your body and mind into the beauty of the natural world, which will leave no doubt as to the importance of preserving this stunning landscape for the next generation as national property.


Lake Biwa and The Path of Picturesque Scenery

Spreading out from Mt. Hiei to the north, are the Hira Mountains which hold one of the most famous views around Lake Biwa. You will be amazed by the picturesque scenery, which has been the setting for many pieces of Japanese art and literature. At the foot of the mountains, there are many ancient shrines and temples where traditional festivals are held.

This mountain range has 15 peaks over 1000m and the highest peak, Mt. Bunagatake (1214m), you can enjoy a 360 degree panorama view overlooking the Japan Alps and other mountains.

Climbing up the mountains, you pass through Japanese cedar and cypress woods, which give away to Konara and Mizunara oak forests. Passing by gregarious rhododendrons, you then come into beech woodland. Upon starting to enjoy wild flowers beside of the path, you know you are nearly at the top of the ridge. The whole Lake Biwa appears, the largest lake in Japan, below your eyes, while walking on the ridge line.

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比良比叡トレイルのルート紹介Route of Hirahiei Trail

南の峰は、主峰の大比叡(おおびえ 848m)、四明ヶ岳など五峰をあわせて比叡山、 さらに稜線は途中峠から北へ権現山、蓬莱山、比良岳、最高峰の武奈ヶ岳(1214m)など、 1000m級の山々が連なって比良山地と呼びます。

世界遺産の比叡山には1200年を越える祈りの道がつづき、山々は豊かな自然に恵まれ、 四季ごとに美しい姿を見せてくれ、その山稜からは琵琶湖の絶景が展望できます。

ルート紹介 Route of Hirahiei Trail

比良比叡トレイル協議会Council member


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